Wednesday 16 December 2015

The Love LINE.

since long i have been waiting for a post on lines. we tend to buy whatever we like but then we always have to keep in mind a lot of things while shopping because lines, curves, textures, colors have  physiological factors influencing ones thoughts.

using today's blog i will be giving you guys a lot of information on lines. how to wear it on your dress, what kind of and other stuffs.

VERTICAL LINES on the dresses, shirts makes you look taller and slimmer. so people who are short heighten and fat should wear vertical lines like i am wearing in these pictures.

HORIZONTAL LINES: should be worn by people who are very slim and wants to give fuller appearance it tends to cut short the persons height and makes the person look broader and fatter.
DIAGONAL LINES: may contribute to height or width depending on their angle and length.

Curved lines emphasize the curves of the body and give a softer and more feminine look to the garment.

The dress i am wearing has got vertical lines in two different colors making me look taller than usual. i have teamed it up with black sequence stilettos.

                                           and i never forget to paint my lips RED.
The use of lines is powerful in fashion. Whether it's the silhouette or detail, wise selection can create illusions to flatter your appearance.

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