Thursday 21 September 2017

My Murky Soul.

HEY Folks. 
As i told you i will be writing quiet often. here i am again, with this another post.

Murky basically means Dark and why do i call my soul dark?? because i have made a lot of mistakes, hurt a lot of people (sorry for that) but it is not that you didn't hurt me. you did it and what i did was to be followed. BIG TIME ANYWAYS.

All of us go trough a lot of hardships, pain in life right? But that''s not important what is more important is how do we handle it?? this actually reminds me of something i read sometime back. sharing the same with you. read it deeply, understand it.

When there is pain, go deeply into it, don’t avoid it. Let it be so, open to it, become as sensitive as possible.
 Let the pain and its arrow penetrate you to your very core. Suffer it. Dance it. When there is pain be with pain.become so totally sensitive that each moment of pain is a great adventure. If you can do this, u will understand that pain too is beautiful. It is as beautiful as pleasure. It also brings a sharpness to your being. It also brings awareness to your being.
Pain makes u very alert, and pain makes u very compassionate and pain makes u sensitive to others pain too. Pain makes u immense, huge, big. D heart grows because of pain and it is beautiful and it has its own is a gift of existence n there must b a hidden treasure in it. Enjoy that too dont reject it accept it. 
Welcome it. B with it.


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