Monday 12 February 2018

Kissing the Print

And Then I will have lived each hour of my day as if it were a constant surprise to me, to this I who has not created by my father or my mother or by school, but by everything I have experienced up until now, and which I suddenly forgot in order to discover it all anew.
And even if this is to be my last day on earth, I will enjoy it to d full, bcoz I will live it wid d innocence of a child, as if I were doing everything for d first time.

Tuesday 23 January 2018


For d first time, I will smile without feeling guilty, bcoz joy is not a sin.
For d first time, I will avoid anything that makes me suffer, bcoz suffering is not a virtue.
I will not complain about life, saying: everything’s always the same and I can do nothing to change it. Bcoz I am living this day as if it were my first and while it lasts, I will discover things that I did not even know were there.
Even though I have walked past the same places countless times before and said Good morning to the same people, this day’s Good morning will be diffrent. It will not be a mere polite formula, it will be a form of blessing, in d hope that everyone I speak to will understand d importance of being alive, even when tragedy is threatening to engulf us.

Love rules, but no one knows where it has its throne.

Friday 3 November 2017

Power In The Present.

To feel GOD's power
To believe in GOD
you need not know the dates of festivals,
u need not dress according to traditions,
u need not beg for heaven
u need not starve
u dont go to hell for sleeping wid diff ppl u once loved
u dnt go to hell for trusting everybody.
u dont hve to talk nicely to everybody nor giving a piece of ur soul to worthless humans.

To know God, u need not know d rules of any religion rather u need
to see d setting sun in d mountains,
u need to smell d wild flowers,
u need to taste d stale food
and u need to feel d pain of pleasure
for there is faith in d beauty of all broken n beautiful things but not in ruthless traditions.

Monday 9 October 2017


Without solitude, love will not stay long by your side. Bcoz love needs to rest as well. Solitude complements love. Solitude is not absence of company, but d moment when our soul is free to speak to us n help us decide what to do wid our life. Therefore blessed r dose who do not fear solitude, who r not afraid of there own company, who r not always desperately looking fr smethg to do, smetg to amuse themselves wid, smetg to judge.

                                           If u r never alone, u cannot know yourself - OSHO

Thursday 21 September 2017

My Murky Soul.

HEY Folks. 
As i told you i will be writing quiet often. here i am again, with this another post.

Murky basically means Dark and why do i call my soul dark?? because i have made a lot of mistakes, hurt a lot of people (sorry for that) but it is not that you didn't hurt me. you did it and what i did was to be followed. BIG TIME ANYWAYS.

All of us go trough a lot of hardships, pain in life right? But that''s not important what is more important is how do we handle it?? this actually reminds me of something i read sometime back. sharing the same with you. read it deeply, understand it.

When there is pain, go deeply into it, don’t avoid it. Let it be so, open to it, become as sensitive as possible.
 Let the pain and its arrow penetrate you to your very core. Suffer it. Dance it. When there is pain be with pain.become so totally sensitive that each moment of pain is a great adventure. If you can do this, u will understand that pain too is beautiful. It is as beautiful as pleasure. It also brings a sharpness to your being. It also brings awareness to your being.
Pain makes u very alert, and pain makes u very compassionate and pain makes u sensitive to others pain too. Pain makes u immense, huge, big. D heart grows because of pain and it is beautiful and it has its own is a gift of existence n there must b a hidden treasure in it. Enjoy that too dont reject it accept it. 
Welcome it. B with it.


Wednesday 20 September 2017

BeNumbing Dharamshala.

Hey Guys

firstly, i am extremely sorry for not writing all these months i have been literally busy and going trough a lot of stuff in my life. never mind, now i will be writing a lot of stuff mostly related to spirituality and what i feel everyday. Hope to welcome a new kind of audience on my page.

so i went to Dharamshala, McLeodganj and did Tirund trek  which was literally tiring yet a picturesque experience. before the trek i have been reading a book written by osho and the place made me connect with it like nothing else.

also see the pictures, i cannot show or write the feeling i experienced there but even if i could make 1% of your mind to travel to mountains i will feel blessed because you people will thank me forever.

We started the trek at 9:30 A.M and reached at the top by 2 P.M reaching at the top i sat quietly, far from the madness and chaos and thought to myself   - 
some of me have come from my parents, some from friends, society etc but nothing has come from myself not even 1%. what type of identity is this in which i have not contributed at all  when the whole 100% should have been contributed by me.

Do not ask others to mirror your reality - but you should face it directly to enter into your nature. what is the need to ask anybody? and whom are you asking? people are as ignorant as you are. they dont know themselves how would they know you?

The idea that we gather from others give us a personality, and the knowledge that we come to know within gives us individuality. personality is false, individuality is real. NOBODY CAN SAY WHO YOU ARE. you have to find yourself.

The fierce mountains there have been shouting and telling me that yes, you have to take your life in your own hands. Live the life that is your, authentically. no need to play roles. dont allow anybody else to write the story of your life. unfold that which you have always carried like a seed within you.

 when you go to Bhagsu and the upper part of it you will get a lot of hostel to stay in and beautiful cafe's like these. its a very different vibe you get there. so you must visit the place once. when you will stand on top of those mountains you yourself will feel the negativity from your life is going away with the winds of the mountains and what a positive person you become.

                          Keep Travelling and never stop to Learn.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Diwali HAUL

HEY GUYS. I know that i dont even need to ask about your navratri as its obvious that all of you gangstas had rocked it. i have been seeing a lot of posts of my followers and i am really happy you guys had fun.

so we are not stopping there right?? the best part of being in India is that the festival, fun, enjoyment and dressing up for the occasion never really stops.

so now we are exited for DIWALI right?? and this time i want you guys to make it the most fashionable one. sharing some of my looks for your Diwali shopping.

This cream dress really makes you feel light and sober. the zardosi work provides that extra oomph factor to this dress. also if your skin tone is a lil darker this shade would be the best for you.

so the bold colors on this dress stands out. i loved the combination which is so different. its best for the girls who still like traditional mirror work on their dresses.

now this dress is for those bubbly girls who likes to experiment a lot, who loves to wear colors. use of colors in the dress is so pretty and this dress will surely make you stand out of others.

There are people who still feel that red, maroon is the only best color goes for the festival occasions. there is no harm or wrong in a thinking like that because i would also say that every other person would have different fashion sense and there would be a lot of variety in the taste and preferences. so girls who dont like to risk much on their outfits its for them because maroon is such a color that would never let you down.

how can we forget florals??
to be frank i can never because this is one such print which i guess i can put in all my outfits and occasions. 
 p.s i have always been a big fan of florals.

so i guess now you already know what you should buy this Diwali. also you can check out the collection of  they are best when it comes to traditional. what are you waiting for go book your dresses for a delightful Diwali.

also i would request you guys not to harm animals and play safe with crackles.

love ya all :*